The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, aided by a small contingent of animal-protection organizations, successfully undertook a complex and dramatic effort to relocate prairie dogs imperiled by shooting and poisoning to the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge in New Mexico.
A couple in Upstate New York, whose property is surrounded by dairy farms that have wreaked environmental devastation, methodically transformed 60 barren acres of their property into a wildlife refuge that will forever provide both migrating birds and native critters with habitat in which they can thrive.
Bearing Witness documents in graphic and often troubling detail the 2005 hunt of harp seal pups in the Gulf of St. Lawrence—a cruel, and widely condemned, springtime ritual by Canadian fishermen that is the largest slaughter of marine mammals on the planet. This short film won First Place at the 2006 International Wildscreen Film Festival, the prestigious global wildlife